Delagrange, S. H. (2009). When Revision Is Redesign: Key Questions for Digital Scholarship. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 14(1). Retrieved January 2, 2014, from
«When revision is Redesign» is an afterthought of a larger work, reporting on the design of an earlier multimedia work published in Kairos. It consists of nine pages plus references, each page beginning with a question that is answered in the following text.
Persistent navigation links to the nine pages are always available in the left column, forming a very common type of web design. The list invites me to read in a sequence from top to bottom, but the text is written so it can be read in many sequences, in fact. It is natural to begin with the «Introuction» and end with «Reflection», but the other pages can be read in any sequence. I will call this form pseudo-linear.
Rather than looking like a research article, this article remediates magazine layout. Here are colors and mixed fonts, and each page has a pull quote set a bit down the page. Screenshots of early versions as well as a few phototgraphs are used as illustrations.
«When Revision is Redesign» is not remarkable as a multimedia work, nor as a scholarly article. It is a short, decent design report set in pretty standard web design.