Boehm, Dane Christian with Laura Tagget. «About Plagiarism, Pixels and Platitudes». Kairos 3.1 (1998) <>
This article discusses how to teach students ethical academic practice and avoid plagiarism. It opens with an anecdote of a case of student plagirism, ending in the question «What are the issues», followed by three links, and «What strategies address these issues», again with three links.
These two lists of links are in fact subsections of the article, as each of the three «issues» pages link the two others as well as back to the first page, and the three «strategies» pages are linked in the same way. Proto-stretchtext might be the word to describe this article.
The last two paragraphs of the opening page serves as the conclusion to the pieces.
There are many external links in the piece, but they are all broken, and they look the same as the internal links, making the hypertext seem more complex than it actually is.