Psychology paper of the future

Warker, Jill A.; Ye Xu; Gary S. Dell; and Cynthia Fisher. «Speech errors reflect the phonotactic constraints in recently spoken syllables, but not in recently heard syllables». Cognition 112.1 (2009). 81-96. Article of the Future version <> 24 January 2014.

This reports on four experiments in learning to speak foreign syllables, testing for whether hearing and speaking influences each other. In terms of new features, this article is the least developed in the Article of the Future collection, and I expect it is one of the earliest prototypes.

As the other articles, it begins with a «Research Highlight,» including a chart which is rather difficult to understand before one has read the entire article.

Like the other psychology article it has a variation of the IMRaD structure, where each of three experiments hva its own section, subdivided into Method, Results, and Discussion. After the three expermients the article ends with a longer, more argumentative General Discussion. Before the sections of the experiments, there are a quite long and detailed overview over earlier research, titled «Relationship between perception and production», and then a short «Overview of the present experiments» section follows.

Apart from the general Article of the Future apparatus of navigation links and reference links, there are several tables that may be opened in the right column. As observed in many other articles, the tables are illegible when shown to the right, however. There are also several «interactive charts» that allow the reader to switch series on an off. One of these can be switched between a table and a chart, which is unique to this paper.

Skjermbilde 2014-01-24 kl. 10.37.21 Skjermbilde 2014-01-24 kl. 10.37.26

As an additional feature, the reader can download the poster about the study that the authors presented at a conference. It includes charts that are not in the article, and these charts are also available in the right column as appendices.


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