Djogbénou, Luc, «Malaria vectors in the Republic of Benin: Distribution of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex. Acta Tropica 114.2 (2010). 116-122. Article of the Future version. <>. 21 January 2014.
Research highlights in the form of six bullet points and a graph.
Djogbénou and his colleagues have sampled more than 2000 malaria moskitos from 30 sites in Benin, and used microscopic and molecular techniques to determine their species and DNA variation. While the article is rather short (7 pages in print), the research task is large. The main results are given in the form of a table. This follows the IMRaD structure with a relatively long Discussion section.
Few variations on the main Article of the Future setup here. The main innovation is an «interactive map,» a Google map version of a map of the sampling sites, which also contains the data from the species distribution table.
Like Mulverna, it also has two «experimental flowcharts» available in the right sidebar.