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Kategoriarkiv: Elektronisk forskningspublisering
ECREA 2014: Databases and covert conclusions
Thursday 13 November, I gave a talk at ECREA 2014.
If you would like to read the full paper, you may download it from this page. Comments are very welcome!
My slides are here:
Review of Blue Velvet in Vectors
Goldberg, David Theo and Stefka Hristova. «Blue Velvet: Re-dressing New Orleans in Katrina’s Wake» Vectors 3.1 (2007) <http://vectors.usc.edu/projects/index.php?project=82>
Blue Velvet is a linear article arguing that the disaster in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina was a socially produce one, as the affected area was designated for poor black people and had been neglected for over a century, a development made even worse by neoliberalism and the Iraq war. Les videre
Review of «Wegzeit»
Offenhuber, Dietmar. «Wegzeit: The geometry of relative distance». Vectors 1.2 (2006) <http://vectors.usc.edu/projects/index.php?project=64>
Regular maps show objective distances and spatial relations. But we also experience spaces in relative measures, such as the time it will take you to get somewhere. «Wegzeit» is a short presentation of six different experimental maps of Los Angeles. Les videre
Review of «Objects of Media Studies»
Hastie, Amelie (curator). «Objects of Media Studies». Vectors 2.1 (2006). <http://vectors.usc.edu/projects/index.php?project=65> 28 July, 2014.
This is a curated collection of texts by eight writers exploring the materiality of one object each. The nodes can be read in three ways: By author, by curator’s narrative, or free browsing. Les videre
Review of «Public Secrets»
Daniel, Sharon. «Public Secrets». Vectors 2.2 (2007). <http://vectors.usc.edu/projects/index.php?project=57>
«Public Secrets» is a collection (what Manovich would call a ‘database’) of bits of sound recordings of interviews with inmates in a California women’s prison. The bits are linked together by various means, but the main listening experience is one of random browsing, assembling a mosaique out of sound bites ranging from 45 seconds to 3 minutes. The piece was recognized as an Official Honoree in the Activism category by the 11th Webby awards. Les videre
Review of «Programmed Visions» in Vectors
Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong. «Programmed Visions». Vectors 3.1 (2007). < http://vectors.usc.edu/issues/5/programmedvisions/> 17 February, 2014.
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun has created an archive of text fragments on racism. Rather than a scholarly article, this is an exhibition, but not a very curated one. Text fragments are precented to the user at random, with so few interface elements it is very difficult to read. Vectors’ editor claim that «In the interplay between «form» and «content,» we are meant to understand that our desires to standardize the world and make it interoperable are not innocent.» (Introduction). Unfortunately for me, I am not smart enough to understand this. I spent two frustrating hours with this text to fulfil my duties for this research project, and I wonder if anyone else except the authors and editor has ever read more of it. Below is an account of my reading experience. Les videre
Reveiw of «Fashioning the Emperor’s New Clothes»
Dean, Christopher; Will Hochman; Carra Hood and Robert McEachern. «Fashioning the Emperor’s New Clothes: Emerging Pedagogy and Practices of Turning Wireless Laptops Into Classroom Literacy Stations @SouthernCT.edu». Kairos 9.1 (2004) <http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/9.1/binder2.html?coverweb/hochman_et_al/intro.html> 11 February 2014.
Four university teachers share their experiences with teaching writing in a classroom equipped with wireless laptop computers. They have written an essay each, all around the theme of communication in real life compared to the computer mediated kind. Les videre
Review of «Reversion notions of disability and accomodation»
Dunn, Patricia A. and Kathleen Dunn. «Reversing Notions of Disability and Accommodation: Embracing Universal Design in Writing Pedagogy and Web Space.» Kairos 7.1 (2002). 11 February, 2014.
Paper arguing that ideas from Universal Web Design also can acommodate different learning styles in the classroom. Very little theory, but many examples from real teaching experience. Les videre
Review: Team-teaching in the virtual writing class
Beasly, Ann et.al. «Team-Teaching in the Virtual Writing Class». Kairos 5.1. (2000) < http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/5.1/binder.html?features/ruff/bridgenw.html> 4 February 2014.
Beasly and her colleagues use frames to present their experiences after three years of teaching writing classes where students of three different universities collaborate on writing projects via e-mail and chat. The text is mainly descriptive, but references to orther works discussing related problems are given in the discussion towards the end of each page. Les videre