Every other guy I meet these days tells me he has a dozen gigabytes of mp3 music on his hard drive, and offers me to copy all of it. Let it be known that thank you, but I do not want 9 000 songs dumped into my computer with no idea what it is and where to start listening. I have more music already than I care to listen to, and when I want something new, I go and buy a CD.
I know the intentions are good, they are all nice people. But it's too much. Just looking through a few hundred albums is a lot of work. Those albums I know what are I probably have, or I don't care about them. I might like ninety or a hundred of your albums, but how can I know which ones?
You've got two years of continuous music on your drive? Good for you. I'd like to copy "Manic Monday," you listen to the rest.
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