home office

I read in the newsletter of the Norwegian Association of Researchers that of all people with a higher education in this country, university researchers have the lowest salaries.

I instantly decide to cash in on some of the few benefits we have. I am already working from home. I do that a lot, as no one cares when or where we work as long as we publish and teach and come to meetings. Across the street from our new house, the woods begin. It is a fantastic day, -7 degrees Celcius, sun is shining.

I quickly changed clothes, got the cross-country skis from the garage, crossed the street and went skiing for an hour. I went outside of the tracks, creating my own route around a few hills in the 10 centimetres of powder on top of a foundation of hard-packed snow. Glorious. Next time, I'll bring my camera.

It's called thinking. We scholars are paid to do that, if not too generously.

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