Information science article of the future

«Supervised ranking in the weka environment» by Stijn Lievens and Bernard De Baets is an adaptation of a paper printed in Information Sciences 129.6 into an «article of the future».

Elsevier experiments with different kinds of abstracts. This article has a «research highlights» section with four bullet points first, before a very short abstract.

The structure is very clear, with four parts: Problem description, Methods, Implementation of the Propositionsl, and Use of the Software. Only after the problem description, which is quite long, is the outline of the paper described.

In the right column (the «sidebar», one can view article information, knowledge tree (a conception I don’t understand the point with), author information, figures, tables, data repositories, data set, formulas, propositions, software enviroment, and references.

The left column contains an article overview with thumbnails of three figures and a table.
In section three, an algorithm is described. I find it interesting that the algorithm is discussed and explained before it is presented. A lot of information can be called up in the right column to be referenced next to the running text, such as figures, tables, formulas, and propositions. It would seem logical to be able to view the algorithm in there too, next to the description of it in section 3.1.

The style changes notably in section 4. Math and formulas are no more, instead there is a plain-language description of the software package made by the methods outlined earlier.

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