A platform-flow model for streaming video services

I presented this model at the International Symposium of Media Innovation (ISMI) in Tallinn, Estonia, 15 October 2017.

I have tried to provide a relatively clear overview of the quite complex system that allow us to stream video entertainment globally. The figure below presents the whole network.

You can download my slides from SlideShare:

Toward a Rhetoric of the Place

Musica Romana is a prototype I made of a location-based mobile web site presenting music written for churches in Rome.

I have summed up my experiences in the chapter: «Toward a Rhetoric of the Place: Creating Locative Experiences«, in Liza Potts and Michael Salvo’s Rhetoric and Experience Architecture (Parlor Press, 2017).

Facsimile of my chapter in Liza Potts and Michael Salvo's Rhetoric and Experience Architecture

My chapter in Liza Potts and Michael Salvo’s Rhetoric and Experience Architecture

Thanks to Parlor Press’ commitment to open access, you can download my chapter here.

Even better, of course, would be to buy the book from the publisher’s website or from Amazon.

(The chapter was written in 2015, published in July 2017.)

Informert samtykke ved intervjuer

Kvalitative intervjuer er en viktig metode i forskning og design. Det vi samler inn i intervjuer er personopplysninger, slik det er definert i loven: Personopplysninger er «opplysninger og vurderinger som kan knyttes til en enkeltperson […]». (Lov om behandling av personopplysninger, §2).

Loven krever at du som skal gjøre intervjuer må:

  1. Melde prosjektet til NSD
  2. Få informert samtykke fra alle respondenter

Les videre

New article: Humanist evaluation methods

Can we use humanist theories to design new texts? And can we use these design projects as humanist research, to add to the theories we have used? I discuss a few attempts to do so in this article published in the Journal of Media Innovations (open access).

Fagerjord, Anders. «Humanist evaluation methods in locative media design«. The Journal of Media Innovations 2.1 (2015). 107-22.

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